Sermon – Jesus Feeds the Multitude – Part 3

 Sermon Topics:

This sermon is part three of the series “Jesus Feeds the Multitude.” In this session, we will look at the portion of Scripture where Jesus fed the people and commanded them to sit on the grass and He also had them sit in rows of hundreds and fifties.

Why did Jesus do this? Every part of this account has a deep spiritual meaning.

This sermon will examine the hidden message that God has placed as the incredible promise of His Second Coming that is embedded in the account of the feeding of the 5,000. This message will also strengthen and encourage those who are alone living as God’s child in the wilderness.

(To listen to the sermon, click on the provided link below. To Save audios to your computer, “right click”  the “listen” link and click “save target as” or “save link as.” File will then save to your computer. Enjoy.)

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